Blog Category - Digital Marketing

Now Google Ads Verification Program Required For All Advertisers.

Google Ads Verification Program

Advertisement nowadays has been used by almost every third marketer in the business. No matter how authentic the advertisement is, but it has become a great source of revenue generation in digital marketing. Many marketers take advantage of this and display irrelevant advertisements on a platform like Google AdWords. This kinda became a serious matter […]

Recent Advances and Improvements in Google Analytics for 2020.

Google Analytics

Updates, improvements, and changes made by Google every year are not hidden from anyone. The tech giant Google makes users, as well as marketers, experience better by introducing some changes and advancements in apps, software, algorithm, tools, etc. And you know what, this year also tech giant made some of the improvements in one of […]

Mix the AI with content marketing, what will you get?

content marketing

Time changes and progresses rapidly, are you agree with this? Once upon a time no technology was used, everything was done manually. Now the present era is completely replaced by technologies, machines, and softwares. Looking at the present tech scenario, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a prestigious place in the market and it has already started […]

Best digital marketing ideas to implement during the Coronavirus epidemic.

digital marketing ideas

No matter how critical a situation is but you should never lose a hope. Can you guess what am I talking about here? Well, what else is left to talk about when the whole world is fighting against the indomitable disease Coronavirus. Guys, this pandemic has been wreaking havoc in the entire world since it […]

Common Factors for an e-commerce website success in 2020?


The rise of online shoppers has given a new platform to the world .i.e. e-commerce stores. The world has become so digitized that it enabled almost everyone to make online purchases. According to statistics, in 2019, there were 1.92 billion digital buyers and e-commerce sales accounted for 14.1% of retail purchases worldwide. Also, it is […]

What are some famous content marketing statistics?

content marketing

Content writing has become the bread & butter of digital marketing since it introduced back in the 2000s. In the starting days, blogging used as a mere platform for people to write content on whatever topics interest them the most. Gradually, content writing converted into content marketing. And today, content marketing is an established platform […]

“INBOUND” a conference where you can learn about lead generation is coming soon!

Digital marketing conference

Every year digital marketing conferences take place worldwide. So how can 2020 remain behind conducting digital marketing conferences? Sometimes it becomes difficult to choose which conference to attend and we ask ourselves that, this conference worth our money and time. In this conference a broad range of host cities, ticket prices, speakers, and overall content […]

Which marketing channels earn you highest ROI?

marketing channels

Marketing without generating a high ROI is not worthy, do you agree? Of course, you’ll agree because without getting ROI or profit there is no worth of doing any business. Right now, digital marketing is dominating the entire world. More and more marketers are stepping in to establish their business and make a successful career […]

Ways to use business intelligence data to enhance sales for 2020?

Business Intelligence data

Starting a business might be easy for people. But the difficulty comes when you’re unable to capture sales leads, right. Well, to capture and enhance sales leads people to adopt various tactics such as advertisements, online campaigns, offers, discounts, etc. Sometimes these strategies work and sometimes don’t work. And the time comes when people get […]