Strong Tips To Create A Top Notch Landing Page
Are you confused about how to drive more versions? This blog post will help you with that. If you ask me what is the key component of increasing website conversions, my answer would be landing page. It does not matter what your marketing goals are, landing pages will always be crucial to improve the conversion rate. Creating a well performing landing page is not a piece of cake. In today’s blog post, I’ll be sharing some tips on how you can create a top notch landing page which will be driving good conversions.
Without further ado, let’s hop on
Tips to create a top notch landing page
First off, what is a landing page? It is basically a single page that has a single goal which is to drive conversions. It is different from your homepage as it is made for a particular goal. Having a performing landing page is vital because it will capture the visitor’s attention to one goal. Now, let’s see how you can create a top notch landing page
✅ Compelling call to action
Without a doubt, call to actions can be referred to as the most important part of your landing page. The important thing here is to tie your call to action to the goal of your landing page. Every element on your website such as the headline, body copy, images and overall layout should support the call to action. Some common example of call to action are- sign up for free trial, buy now, book an appointment and so on and so forth.
✅ Simplified forms
Including forms on landing page is a great method to retain the visitors on the page. However, your form should only have the required fields. Avoid having unnecessary fields on the form which will complicate things. For instance, if you’re keeping a form to sign up for the Email newsletter, just asking the name and email address is enough. Asking about more than required information can look spammy. Chances are the visitors will not complete the action and they will leave the landing page soon.
✅ Crisp landing page copy
Getting too much creative with landing page copy can hurt your prospects. It should rather be crisp, easy to read and understand, and must make a particular point. The content will be easier to read if it has headings, and bullet points. It is important to stick to the point so that whenever a visitor comes to your landing page they should get what they are interested in. Not a single word on your landing page should be irrelevant to the purpose of the call to action.
✅ Add crucial information above the fold
The fold is crucial as far as landing pages are concerned. The call to action should we placed near the top of the page so that a visitor can click it without having to scroll the entire page. This is a good strategy as some visitors will be ready to buy the moment they arrive on your landing page and some will be interested in reading information.
✅ Landing page should be similar to design of ads
If you are running a PPC campaign or an email marketing campaign, you should ensure that your landing page should look similar to the design of the campaigns. Having different designs may persuade visitors to wonder whether or not they have landed at the right page. Thus, you can just carry over fonts, images, and colors from your ad campaigns to your landing page. This becomes essentially important for paid advertising as it can enhance your quality score
✅ Test landing page (A/B testing)
You can never have the perfect landing page if you don’t test it. You can perform A/B testing to see which landing page is performing better. Test different variants of your landing page which will help you determine the best one you can officially launched.
✅ Less images more font
Use less images, just one or two because more will clutter the landing page. This will detract the page from the purpose and call to actions. Additionally, by using large font sizes you can grab the attention of the visitors on what matters. Do not put everything in a headline size font just make it readable and catchy
Ending note
Thus, landing pages are an essential part of online marketing it does not matter what goals you are aiming at with your landing page, you need to get more professional with it. Avoid spending long hours pondering over which heading to use. These are very simple to create, just use the above mentioned tips and do not forget to test the page is.
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