How to create a successful event on the Facebook business page

Facebook business page

Presently, Facebook is used by over 1.7 billion people. Don’t you think it is an ideal place to run a successful event amidst millions of people worldwide? No matter, how many new social media platforms are launched, but social media giant Facebook will always be used by many people globally.  Therefore, I feel Facebook can […]

Step by step guide to advertise on LinkedIn?

advertise on LinkedIn

Ask anyone – what is the most professional app to promote products to connect with the audience? The only answer you will get is ‘LinkedIn.’ There is no doubt that LinkedIn has become the most preferred platform than any other in the digital world. Professionals, marketers, businessmen, and site owners use LinkedIn worldwide. And LinkedIn […]

What are the limitations of social media marketing, how to recover?

limitations of social media marketing

Social media – one of the buzz word in digital marketing. Today, businesses and marketers are utilizing social media platforms to boost their marketing in this digital world. The shift from traditional marketing to digital marketing can be seen clearly throughout the past decade. The main focus of marketers is to get customers to their […]

Do’s and Don’ts for effective E-mail Marketing

E-mail Marketing

Email marketing is not just the buzzword rather it is an important element of the digital marketing industry. In today’s increasing digital landscape, email marketing is the best way to remain top-of-the-mind with existing customers and gain traction with potential customers. Email marketing is a significant method to have direct communication with their audience. According […]

How to get started with Customer Match Marketing?

Customer Match Marketing

Customer data always play a significant role. No matter whether the marketing is traditional or digital, customer data can do wonder for any marketer. What wonder am I talking about? You’re thinking about this! As a marketer, you will always want more and more customers to connect to your brand. But what happens if you […]

How to use influencer marketing strategy during Covid-19?

influencer marketing

The current global pandemic COVID-19 is prevailing everywhere around the world. In my previous articles, I have discussed how COVD-19 is causing destruction to businesses. The economy has already dropped down. Many small businesses are shut off. Marketers are facing a huge loss. This is literally becoming a major problem for all digital marketers right […]