Blog Tag - Marketing Strategy

How good personalized marketing is?

personalized marketing

Marketers find different-different ways to market their products and services for their potential customers. They try to reach a wider audience in order to increase their sales. However, not every marketer gets success in the marketing field as incorporating the right marketing strategy in this field is what fetches them more sales leads and more […]

Do you know about Clickbait?

The digital marketing world is all about advertisement. The more you advertise in the market, the more customers you attract to your business. There was a time when marketers would old/traditional advertising strategy to market their products, now with the introduction of new technologies the method of advertisement has changed. One such new advertising method […]

How to achieve a target with Event Marketing?

achieve a target with Event Marketing

Any marketing business can only run if you promote its goods and services at a large level. No matter whether your business is small or big, the only way to fetch customers is to introduce your products or services to them via events.  Coordinating small networking events or large corporate events like conferences, creating event […]

Lead Generation vs. Lead Nurturing, which one is better?

Lead Generation vs. Lead Nurturing

The two terms ‘lead generation’ and ‘lead nurturing’ are constantly used in digital marketing. For every business, lead generation is a crucial component of a successful sales and marketing strategy. What about lead nurturing then? Let me tell you what happens, many people actually make a mistake thinking that these two terms are interchangeable, but […]

Importance of UX writing in Digital Marketing.

UX writing in Digital Marketing

Every digital marketer wants to provide a great experience to their customer. Understanding customer’s needs want, preference and interests are very important as they are ones which will help them grow their business in the future. There are lots of marketing industries that are using various marketing tactics to offer a great user experience. One […]

Usability principles that make your visitors stick and boost your SEO

boost your SEO

Let me come straight to the point – if your website doesn’t encourage visitors or isn’t user-friendly, it will never succeed. Websites that are not user-friendly not only lose your customers but also damage your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you don’t know then user experience is the most important part of SEO because Google […]

Are you ready for hyper-personalization?


Hyper-personalization might be a new term for you folks. There are many people out there who are looking for new and innovative ways to improve their marketing strategy. Companies use email marketing, content evergreen, SEO, social media for customer’s loyalty, and visitor browsing, etc. However, these above are the basic marketing strategies that every third […]