Blog Tag - Marketing Campaign

Learn smart ways to boost your business sales

boost your sales

The very first thought comes in the mind of people before even starting a business is to ‘make maximum sales.’ With sale only, businesses make profit and revenue. What if you have a product to sale but aren’t getting sales leads? It’s the most unfortunate case for any businessman who runs a business to make […]

Smart keyword research methods for your business

keyword research methods

Do you run online business? Running an online business requires a website and ecommerce store. The goal of every marketer is to rank their website on Google’s SERP. And to rank a website, keywords play an important role. Why so? Because people search keywords online and if your website ranks for that particular keyword it […]

How to retain traffic during website migration?

website migration

Website migration happens for end number of significant reasons. Changes related to site structure, design, location, UX, content to name a few. The migration becomes necessity for webmasters or SEOs to boost website’s performance. But do you know when the problem arises?  The problem arises when you start losing traffic during website migration and you […]

Ways to Make Influencer Marketing Campaign Successful In 2021

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has been a hot topic in digital marketing sector. Today, influencers are very much in demand due to the aura they have to promote any brand and boost its awareness in the market. Certainly, influencer marketing is an amazing way to launch new products and make the product visibility more enhancing in the […]

Let’s talk about Left brain marketing strategy

Left brain marketing strategy

Marketing is not a narrow concept rather it is a broad one which has includes many styles. In fact, marketers follow different types of marketing styles. Seldom, people prefer to create colourful attractive ads to target audience on a large number. If I take psychology into consideration in marketing, then there is no difference between […]

Everything you need to know about Offensive Marketing

Offensive Marketing

Presently, the competition in the market is at peak. Every business seems be in a rack race and wanting to go ahead of their competitor. To get success in business, what marketers usually do is they demean, disgrace, and criticize their competitors’ products & services. Isn’t it? If not everyone, but majority of people follow […]

What are the ways to use Viral marketing in SEO?

Viral Marketing

Every person who is a part of the digital world would surely know about viral marketing, right. And I guess you are one of them. Viral marketing is the most effective strategy which is also known as a viral advertisement. This strategy is used when marketers want to produce immediate brand recognition in the market. […]

What is Promotional Marketing and how to use it?

Promotional Marketing

Do you think in this competitive market it is possible to sell goods or services without promotions? As you can understand with name that an activity involved in marketing of any brand, products or services in front of large audiences to boost the sales is called Promotional Marketing. It can be done online or offline. […]