Blog Category - Digital Marketing

How to get started with Customer Match Marketing?

Customer Match Marketing

Customer data always play a significant role. No matter whether the marketing is traditional or digital, customer data can do wonder for any marketer. What wonder am I talking about? You’re thinking about this! As a marketer, you will always want more and more customers to connect to your brand. But what happens if you […]

The online video marketing statistics for 2020

online video marketing statistics

Video is becoming the most crucial tool in digital marketing. You can say, video marketing is continually growing in popularity. Now marketers are focusing on producing more marketing videos than textual content. The interesting thing is, as a visual species, humans find videos more engaging, interactive and popular, than any other type of content. Today […]

Some tips to make your visitors spend more time on your website during pandemic?

visitors spend more time on your website

According to studies, it is revealed that 70-96% of website visitors who abandon your website never return. Why I am showing you this data is because as a webmaster your main goal is to convert your website visitors into customers. But how can you achieve this goal when the visitors don’t even stick to your […]

What strategy you can use to create content during the COVID-19 pandemic?

create content during the COVID-19

Content marketing is at peak even in the crisis. Do you know what crisis I’m talking about? Yes, coronavirus. The pandemic has hit the entire world badly, even our work. Being a part of the digital marketing world, it’s our duty to provide relevant and authentic marketing strategy to you. Today, some brands have stopped […]

How to use influencer marketing strategy during Covid-19?

influencer marketing

The current global pandemic COVID-19 is prevailing everywhere around the world. In my previous articles, I have discussed how COVD-19 is causing destruction to businesses. The economy has already dropped down. Many small businesses are shut off. Marketers are facing a huge loss. This is literally becoming a major problem for all digital marketers right […]

Now local businesses can raise funds on Bing with GoFundMe integrations.

raise funds on Bing

The second most used search engine giant comes after Google is Bing. It is a web search engine owned and operated by Microsoft. When it comes to service, then Bing gives more auto-correct suggestions than Google. Talking about the similarities then Google and Bing, both concerned about people a lot. Both these search engine giants […]

Do you know the difference between marketing strategy and marketing plan?

marketing strategy and marketing plan

Marketing strategy and marketing plan – Both these terms sound the same, right! The two terms are often used interchangeably. And this becomes the problem because people get confused about it. No matter how much you interchange these two terms, but ‘plan’ and ‘strategy’ mean the different things in the world of digital marketing. Both […]