What are the benefits of hiring an SEO for your business?

benefits of hiring an SEO

When it comes to digital marketing, there are two things which establish the gory, one is Content and another is SEO. Without SEO, content is nothing and vice versa. If you see both these correlate with each other. Anyway, content is not the focal point of this article. After reading the title of the article, […]

How to perform mobile friendly tests for your website?

mobile friendly website

Today is the age of mobile users. Whether it’s about calling, messaging, gaming, researching on internet, getting traffic to website or anything else, mobile is dominating everywhere. Therefore, it rightly makes a sense to have a mobile-friendly website for every web operator or digital marketer. Have you ever asked yourself whether “my website is mobile-friendly […]

Google Search Console temporarily suspended request indexing feature.

Google Search Console

Whenever a webmaster publishes an article, he makes sure that the content is visible on Google, right. For that, he takes help of a URL inspection tool within Google Search Console, which is an important element of SEO. If you operate a website, you would know that ‘Request Indexing’ is the feature of the URL […]

Get ready for the next Google Webmaster virtual conference in February 2021

Google webmaster virtual conference

How many of you planned to attend an event in 2020 which eventually canceled due to Covid-19? No matter whether the events were large or small all of them canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Every digital marketer would know that in the month of August Google launched first-ever virtual webmaster ‘unconference’ which ended up […]

Google shared issues around canonicalization and mobile-indexing.

canonicalization and mobile-indexing

There has been chit-chatting about issues found in Google indexing since 23rd September in SEO industry. If you are well aware of this then on 23rd September the issue similar to Google bug related to URLs which search engine considered as the canonical URLs. However, there was no confirmation whether Google seriously have bug issue […]

A complete list of Major Google algorithm updates till now.

Major Google algorithm updates

Google Algorithm is a complex term to understand if you are a novice or just recently step in digital marketing world. Why I am saying so is because understanding the concept of Google algorithm and its updates are crucial for any digital marketer, SEO, or webmaster to stay in online industry. Earlier, Google used to […]