Combine Loyalty marketing with Social Media to get more fruitful result

Loyalty Marketing

Social media is the most effective digital marketing tool at present. The majority of people across the world have at least one account on social media sites. As a marketer, if you aren’t paying attention to social media audience likely you may not build a stronger relationship with them. Presently, the majority of people use […]

Google is asking searchers to leave reviews to help others shop.

Google is asking searchers to leave reviews

We all know how important Google reviews are for every online shopper and marketer. Without reading online reviews, will you buy any product from any shopping site? No guys, no one will because customer’s reviews are epitome of reliable site and mark the value of the product. In fact, Google reviews are important for local […]

Effective Word-of-mouth Marketing strategies for 2020

Word-of-mouth Marketing strategies

Who doesn’t like free advertisement or marketing of products & services in the digital sector in 2020? No marketer can deny because everyone loves free advertisement especially in the world which is too costly. You all know how the Covid-19 pandemic became a cause of winding up of businesses worldwide. Now no marketer has enough […]

Some important tips to prevent negative reviews!

Online Customer Reviews

Online reviews play a great role in any business as they help customers to know about the business, its products, services, company’s reputation, goodwill, etc. But what happens when a company encounters negative reviews uploaded by its customers? The company’s reputation goes down and customers stop using the products and services offered by the company […]