Google uploaded some important Search Announcements.
Google has been progressing a lot since it launched back in 1998 in the digital marketing world. Over the past 22 years, Google search is getting better every day for its users. However, with the advancement in technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the company is trying to make more improvement and better changes which are ever made over the last decade. But you have to agree with me that Google has made the search process much easier than ever before. And it becomes simpler for you to find what you are looking for. Do you think Google stops here? No guys, recently Google made announcements around Google search.
Don’t you want to know what important updates Google covered in the recent announcement? If yes, then this article will enlist all the major search announcements Google made.
Let’s jump in.
Google made major search announcements
About a week ago, Google made announcements on Google search. Well, some of the announcements were already launched, and many of them are new. The major announcement which Google covered includes – changes to BERT, how it understands passages and subtopics on a page, to humming to Google and health and safety features and so much more.
Let’s now dig into the list of interesting things from the announcements that are significant for you to understand.
A complete list of recently made major search announcements
# Advancement in ‘BERT’
BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. It is a deep learning algorithm related to natural language processing. In fact, it is a form of AI that lets Google to understand the relationship between elements of language in a search engine. Currently, BERT is now used on almost every English query. Last year, BERT got updated which impacted 10% of English queries. But recently, Google said, “today we’re excited to share that BERT is now used in almost every query in English, helping you get higher quality results for your questions.”
It simply means you no need to optimize your content rather Google is getting better at understanding your content and how it is related to the user’s query.
# More focus on ‘Spelling’ errors
Another announcement Google made is on spelling. The company said it has now a new spelling algorithm that uses “a neutral net to significantly improve our ability to decipher misspellings.” According to Google, this change makes a greater improvement to spelling than all of our improvements over the last five years. Here it means, a new spelling algorithm will come that can better identify the spelling errors.
At present, if you search anything on Google and if Google sees you typed misspelled word then it shows you results as “did you mean” right. Now the spelling error will move one step further with this search update.
# Thoroughly reading the ‘Passages’ of the content
Next announcement comes in the list is passage. According to this update, Google is able to index parts of a page, a passage within all of the page’s content, rather than all of the content on a page. Let me tell you that previously Google said it does not and cannot do that, with the recent announcement, it is now able to index passages as well.
Google said, “we’ve recently made a breakthrough in ranking and are now able to not just index web pages, but individual passages from the pages.” Moreover, Google says this helps them improve search queries globally, in all languages, and will impact 7% of the search results! Now the question is ‘how’ it will impact? Basically, it helps them better understand the relevancy of specific passages, not just the overall page, so it can “find that needle-in-a-haystack information you’re looking for. I would say this is the most interesting announcement.
# Understanding of more relevant ‘Subtopics’
On the announcement of subtopics, Google said, “it has applied neutral nets to understand subtopics around an interest, which helps deliver a greater diversity of content when you search for something abroad.” Additionally, Google said that by the end of this year it will understand relevant subtopics, like budget equipment, premium picks, or small space ideas, and show a wider range of content for you on the search results page. Now you will have more quality content on your table.
# Key moments expanded
What exactly key moments are? Last year Google launched key moments in YouTube videos. When the feature launched, it worked only for English videos posted to YouTube. Now Google said that key moments will be used in “10 per cent of searches on Google will use this technology.”
# Popular times, COVID info and more apps
Today, the popular time is about coronavirus which is the most talkative matter becoming with the each passing day. On this, Google said, “Google Maps’ popular time algorithm has long been able to identify busyness pattern for a place. The historical data of Google is not able to trace the records of businesses shut down due to COVID-19 pandemic. To make system more nimble, Google began favouring more recent data and adapting changing patterns for popular times.
So on the Map, you will be able to see how busy is the place is and get some safety info like masks requirement, temperature checks, etc.
# Google Lens updates
Google has also launched few numbers of updates for Google Lens searches. This includes tab an image to discover products as you browse and much more.
Final takeaway
Guys, these were some handful of announcements and updates that Google recently made. All the updates are worth-knowing because it will only enhance the performance of your SEO in real-time. Moreover, Google also made some changes in Duplex and Google Assistant too. I hope, you thoroughly read each update I mentioned in this article.
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