Step by step guide to re-optimize your content
According to Google, content is among its top three ranking factors, but what makes content ‘good’ from an SEO perspective? Guys, Google’s statement here is to tell us the importance of content in the digital marketing world. Also, content is an effective marketing vehicle for modern SEO. Nowadays marketers write content but they don’t know how to re-optimize their content for achieving marketing goals. You might have seen that your older content doesn’t rank well in Google’s SERP. Your readers are not reading, sharing, and commenting. This becomes a problem for you. Therefore, to keep the pace of your article interesting and engaging, you should re-optimize your content.
In this guide, I will talk about how you can re-optimize your contents to improve your to get traffic to site.
Let’s make a start.
Step by step guide to re-optimize your content
Guys, make sure you follow each and every step with great attention, by doing so you will be able to re-optimize your previous content.
#Step 1: Examine your search results
Search is the very first step in making your content re-optimize. Search results give instant insight into your audience and the keywords they’re looking for. Enter your core keywords, as well as related keywords, and then look at the search engine results pages (SERPs). Now you need to check the similarities between the top content and yours. From the results, if you see the popular keywords, you can add them to your content to re-optimize it.
#Step 2: Re-optimize content with long-tail keywords
In the first step, I told you how you can search for your content to re-optimize. Now in the second step, you need to add long-tail keywords in your content. You should know that long-tail keywords tend to perform well and rank better in the search engine results page. Let me also tell you that long-tail keywords are highly specific and less competitive. Therefore, it is easier for you to rank for them. But don’t try to stuff keywords in your content thinking of getting a good rank on Google. With this approach you will be able to add relevant keywords in your content.
#Step 3: Add powerful words in headlines to make content eye-catching
Of course, people will not read the same content with the same headline again and again. Therefore, if you want to get traffic to your site with older content, make sure to use powerful words to make an interesting headline. Power words are actually action words that can compel visitors to click on your content. If you do so, you will be able to increase your CTR (Click Through Rate). If you don’t know then let me tell you that Google only cares about its users, and about serving up the most relevant, useful, interesting, and timely information.
#Step 4: Answer the user’s question
Let me tell you that your users and visitors are the most important aspect of your content marketing. And if you don’t meet their requirement, preference, and interest then you will surely stay behind in the competition. If your content doesn’t meet the question of your users, then you have to think again. Suppose, a visitor landed on your page, and can’t find any reason to keep reading he will leave your site. Therefore, the only solution here is to deliver the content in the right format and in the right platform. With this approach, you will surely able to get quality traffic to your site.
#Step 5: Optimize engagement with visuals
Your users and visitors will get bored if they only see text content and not visuals. The only solution to keep them engaging and re-optimizing your content is to add visuals to your content. As per the study, 67% of consumers say the quality of a product image is ‘very important’ in selecting and purchasing the product. Therefore, articles with images get 94% more total views. Make sure to add visuals, images and videos, with your content. Your images will get optimized for search engines and social shares.
Content re-optimization is a powerful content marketing strategy that can help you increase traffic to your site. You must know that re-optimization content is almost like an actual content generation only if you follow the steps mentioned above. Guys, if you really want to get high-quality traffic and ROI to your site, you must re-optimize your old content. This is the only way you can get good and high rank on SERPs.
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