Wrong practice in SEO that can cause Google Penalty

Wrong SEO Practice

Get insight of some ill SEO practices which has to avoid.

‘Penalty’, I think almost everyone around the world understand the meaning of this seven letters word. It refers to as punishment for every miss-deed or wrong practice.

For example: Breaking a Glass, fighting with classmates is called wrong deed at school. After doing this teacher gives the punishment in form of stand outside the class, become a chair etc. Similarly Google also put penalty on those who are indulge in ill SEO practices.

Application of 2019 algorithm update Google has ensured that those who engage in Wrong SEO practices get penalized. Therefore, today we are going to enlist major ill-practices in SEO that can cause you penalty. Let’s get right into this:

Backlink manipulation:

Backlinks are one of the ranking standards on which Google value or devalue any site or webpage. The site which has large number of backlinks ranked higher in Google search results because it generates high number of web traffic.

But there are some webmasters who add links from other sites to their main website or page in order to gain higher rank in Google search results. This ill practice of manipulating links from other sites regarded as Wrong practice and can causes you a penalty.

Doorway pages:

These are the webpages that are purposely built for making fool of search engine indexes. It means that it manipulates the search engine indexes this practice is also called spam indexing.

These pages do not only make fool of search engines but also the internet users. These are that so called jump pages which redirect you to some other web page instead of the main site/page.

For example: You had visited the web page which has information regarding consumer goods like clothes, shoes etc. But in reality that web page just a trap to lure or redirect you on to some other site such as illegal or ban porn site.

Use of thin content:

It refers to a content which has no added value or significance the type of content which lies in this category is copied, duplicate, scraped etc. Google panda a tool especially designed for devaluing the “thin sites” and value the sites which have original or high quality content.

The sites which has too many advertisements, blanks pages etc. will be devalue on the basis of this factor because according to the Google ETA standards these sites degrades the quality of user experience.

Auto generated content:

It refers to content that has already been created and you are using that content on your web page or site. Translated or scraped content from Atom RSS feeds fall under this category. 

The practice of gathering content from different pages or websites and putting them on yours is also comes under the category of Auto generated content. This ill practice can cause you a penalty and your site/webpage will be devalued.

Mobile incompatibility:

The reality of 2019 which every site owner should recognized or kept in mind that mobile as a medium of surfing the internet is dominating across the globe.

So design and developed your site according to the needs and demands of mobile users. Your site should be perfectly fit into mobile specifications and technicalities such as screen size, full screen view etc.

If your site/web page is not compatible or suited to mobile user then it will be devalued by Google. Hence, it will cause the loss of potential web traffic on your site.

 HTTP compatible:

The 2019 Google algorithm update has made the Http (Hypertext transfer protocol) as a measure standard for ranking the site and webpages. Its importance has been increased with the launch of Google “March 2019 core update”.

According to this standard now the sites and webpages who are not Http compatible will be ranked lower as compared to the sites which are Http compatible.


Above mentioned practices are comes under the category of negative SEO techniques. These negative techniques not only can devalue your web page or site but can also suspend or delete your web page permanently as an act of breaking Google law and violations.