What you need to do before choosing Domain name?

Domain name

‘Domain Name’ is the first thing that your online visitors will see on your website. It is more like your online identity and address to your website. It captures and attracts visitors’ eyes and makes them visit your website. No matter what type of your website is; the domain name is how your website will be known online. The unique address of your site on the internet must be recognizable, easy to remember and appreciative representation of you and your brand.

Nevertheless, today, choosing the right domain name is more important and a right domain name helps in building your brand. The right domain name brings effectiveness to your business, but there are certain people who can’t find the right domain name for their website. And coming up with the unique name can be quite challenging for new online business owners, especially if your name choice is unable to register.

So, if you’re thinking of starting a blog or website and don’t know how to select a unique domain name then you can read below as I am going to explain you things which you need to consider while choosing a domain name.

Let’s get started!

Things need to do before choosing a Domain name.

– Pick out a unique name

If you want to make your website look attractive then always go for a unique name. And if you’re marketing your business, you should see if your business name is available or not. You can use a search engine like Google to search for your proposed blog or website name. You need to make sure that you don’t choose names that are plural or misspelled version of existing sites.

– Always choose.Com extension

.com extension makes your website more recognizable one. If we look at the data then up to 75% of all websites are .com domain. It is the easiest way to remember the website. Although there are many domains available such as .net, .org, .edu, .shop or .blog etc. yet people are more familiar with .com extension. 

– Examine the domain history via Wayback machine

Always look for domain history as it will help you know whether you’re getting a right domain name or not. In some cases, what happens the domain name you’re trying to register might have already registered in the past and then abandoned by the owner. With the help of the Wayback machine you can, you can browse through every month of the domain’s history.

– Keep it short, simple and easy to pronounce

Before you select your domain name, make sure you keep it simple, short and precise and easy to pronounce. Never use hyphens, complicated words, as part of the domain and any other punctuation mark. And try to avoid weird spelling because there are chances that people can mistype it.

Always pick a reliable domain registrar

Domain registrar is a company that registers a domain name on your behalf. It provides you complete access to your domain name. Trustworthy registrars are GoDaddy, Namecheap, and Siteground. These are top recommended companies that also sell a domain name. 

– Take help of some Domain name generators

If you’re finding it hard to come up with a unique domain name, you can take help of domain name generators. These tools are very easy to use and help you out in finding the best domain name for your site. Tools such as Lean Domain Search, Nameboy, Business name generator by Shopify.


Domain name is very important for any website. It is what adds value to your website. For online marketing domain name plays a very significant role in reflecting their brand. Make sure your domain name should reflect your brand. Choosing a domain name is similar like choosing a company name as it requires a lot of thoughts and considerations. 

So if you’re planning to make your website then make sure you choose a unique domain name keeping above mentioned points in your mind. For any kind of help get in touch with us.