What is the importance of Meta tags in 2019?
Meta tags are tags that placed in the head section of site code. It helps in defining the content of your site. Descriptive Meta tag is utilized by search engine to reflect the description of your web page in the search results. Here the question arise how much important is Meta tag? To be honest, when it comes to SEO the importance of Meta tags cannot be undermined.
In the past, Meta tags used to be search engine ranking factor. People utilized it to make their site or web page go higher in search engine result pages. Later Google has kicked it out from its search engine ranking factor.
Don’t undermining the importance of Meta tags.
Due to this many marketers and advertisers has ignore it. It doesn’t remain that important which it was used to be. That doesn’t mean that you don’t use it in your Search engine optimization process.
Just like keywords it is also one of the basic SEO elements that influence the ranking of your site, even if it doesn’t remain one of the site ranking factors. Still it is an important element of your SEO and influences your site ranking.
Some important parts of Meta tag that you use.
1. Title:
The title tag is that part of HTML which describes the title of a webpage. Title tags appear in the search engine result pages. It appears in the form of clickable headline for a given result. These are essential for SEO and social sharing.
2. Description:
The Meta description is that part of HTML which describes description or brief summary of a webpage. The Search engines like Google usually show Meta description usually up to 160 characters in search results. They usually inform search engine that what type of content or material particular website contains.
Description tag is the place where site owner put the basic or essential information of its site. These are the information which tells people about your site. One thing should be kept in mind that your descriptive text should not be too long. Otherwise search engine cannot able to read or decode it. The character limit Google provides is up to 160.
3. Keywords:
The keyword tag is that part of Meta tag which is situated within the HTML of a webpage.
The keywords tag generally has limit of placing 10 keywords or keyword phrases. This includes common terms that are directly pertain to the content of the page. The role of keyword in site optimization is so essential that by reading keywords only the visitor is able to find out what your site is all about.
If the placing of keywords is done correctly then it also helps in ranking your site or webpage higher in search results. Just remember one thing doesn’t over utilized keywords in your content too much. Otherwise your site can receive penalty from Google search engine.
4. Viewport tags:
Viewport refers to the user’s visible area of a webpage. The size of viewport is different in different type of devices.
For example: viewport of a mobile is different from the computer screen.
Mobile compatibility is one of the search ranking factors. In today’s competitive environment if your site or webpage is not mobile user friendly then your site ranking will get affected. Not only your site ranking will get affected drastically in search engine results, in worst scenario you could also receive penalty.
So making a site mobile friendly is essential for achieving higher ranking in search engine results. Even many SEO professionals consider it as a vital element of site optimization process. Viewport tags are used for this purpose. These tags allow developers to adjust the viewport size in order to enhance the mobile usability.
Now some tools for checking your tags.
1. Yoast SEO:
Yoast SEO is one of the original word press plugin introduced in 2008.
Among all the WordPress plugins Yoast SEO becomes the favorite plugin for millions of users across the globe.
Essential features of Yoast SEO:
- The tool comes with most advance Sitemaps feature. It allows user to create sitemaps easily within just push of a button.
- The tool set canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content.
- It provides features of title and importance of Meta tags templating which helps in better branding.
- The tool provides complete control over site breadcrumbs.
2. Buzz stream:
It is a tool developed and designed for marketers and advertisers. The main function of this tool is to make the task of e-mail outreach simpler and easier.
In order to achieve this objective Buzzstream automates the large amount of legwork task that involved in the process of outreach. For example: Sending follow-up e-mails, researching prospects and tracking reply rates.
Essential features of Buzz Stream:
- The tool provides collaborative workspace.
- Through this tool you can research the influencers automatically.
- It provides E-mail notifications.
- The tool sends automatic reminders.
By understanding above mentioned points we advise modern marketers and advertisers to don’t ignore the Meta tags. Just because Google excluded it from search ranking factors doesn’t makes Meta tags less effective. So don’t undermine their importance at any cost. They can still prove beneficial for you in the task of achieving higher ranking of your site, if you utilized them properly. If you are looking for branding of your product or wants no 1 ranking in Search Result Page then you are at right place. Get in touch with us for any kind of Digital Marketing services.