What does it mean by Panda Update in SEO?

Understand How Panda update affects SEO techniques

Panda Update in SEO

What is Google Panda?

It is an Official title given to Google search algorithm update introduce back in 2011. The search result ranking algorithm which ranks the sites and webpages based on their content quality.

Similar to current 2019 algorithm update it also used to rank and value sites and webpages based on thin content, low-quality pages etc. essential measures. Google panda was introduced to save the interest of organic content producers

Impact of Google panda update from SEO perspective:

Low-quality content/thin content:

The website and pages that are full of thin content comes under this category. Thin content refers to the content that was created with the intention of manipulation of site rankings. There is no much significance or originality in the content. These are those content which is copied from other sites etc. All negative SEO practices of site manipulation are being hit by Google panda.

Negative user signals:

It refers to bounce rate if your site and web page has high bounce rate it indicates that your site is not able to retain the users. It means user will visit your site but it won’t stay there for longer period. Your site content was not good enough to retain the visitor or compel the visitor to surf further. 

Keywords density:

Adding keyword is the essential SEO technique to increase the site/webpage rankings on Google SERP (search engine page results) it is the important measure on which Google rate the sites.

But some internet user has begun to misuse this technique in terms that their site/webpages doesn’t have quality content. But in order to make their site ranked higher in Google search results, they began to fill their sites with excessive keywords along with little content. In order to eliminate this ill-practice Google made update in its algorithm back in 2011 and named it Google panda. Google Panda has hit hard on this ill-practice and also saves the interest of quality content producers.

Unnecessary Meta information:

“Meta” in SEO terms refers to Site title and description Google panda consider this also. If Google Panda finds out that your site/web page content is not matching with the title and description or vice-versa, in that scenario your site can be hit by Google Panda and your site ranking will get affected eventually.

Low-quality backlinks:

Adding or creating quality backlinks is another important SEO practice that taken in consideration by Google panda. If any site has large number of backlinks than it will be rated higher in Google search results. Due to this, before the introduction of Google panda many people over internet took advantage of this loophole. Instead of creating quality backlinks they used to purchase backlinks and add them to their site.

Majority of these backlinks are of low quality pointing towards other sites. Google Panda has demoted all those sites/webpages who involve in this unethical practice.

What actually happens with site/webpages that hit by Google panda?

Those sites and webpages which hit by Google Panda will be automatically devalued From Google Serp. The main objective of Google panda is to filter the site and webpages. It filters out and clearly states the High quality and low-quality sites.

In some cases the site/webpages which are affected by Google Panda completely lost their visibility on Google irrespective of the fact how effective SEO techniques they had used.

One thing need to be kept in mind that Google Panda doesn’t differentiate or Filter out site/webpages on per site basis. It means it doesn’t analyze the each and every site. But it analyze their URL (uniform resource locator) it filters the sites on URL basis.


After understanding above mentioned points we can say that introduction of Google Panda has ensure that the quality and organic content always remain on top.