What SEO Strategy You Need to Leave Behind in 2021?

Whether it’s about getting visibility, traffic, or ranking to the site, everything is possible only by leveraging SEO. Being into digital marketing, you would definitely know the power of SEO and the vital role it plays in increasing brand presence in the market. Sadly, many marketers and business owners fail to get results from their search engine optimization efforts.

bad SEO practice

Why is it so? Because they follow bad or hackneyed SEO strategies that don’t produce any fruitful results. Following irrelevant SEO tactics eventually get your website penalized by Google. This actually destroys your Google ranking badly. Knowingly or unknowingly you may be following bad SEO practices which you need to stop following right away.

As we’ve ventured in New Year it’s time to bid adieu to old SEO strategies and welcome new ones, right. Below is the list of SEO strategies that you must leave behind right away in 2021. So, are you ready to dive in? If yes, let’s make a start.

Top bad SEO strategies you should leave behind in 2021

Following are the bad SEO practices that you should stop following right away.

* Copied content

You would know about the significance of content in SEO. Like a mobile-friendly website, your content should be SEO-friendly content. Google only prefers unique, authentic, and original content on websites. Let me tell you that non-unique content won’t work for your site. Nevertheless, people keep publishing duplicate content. Let me tell you search engines’ content in their index, and if your content doesn’t contain anything new then there is no reason to index your web page since it has nothing new to offer.

* Keyword stuffing

Another bad strategy webmasters follow is keyword stuffing. No doubt, keywords are great for ranking any site on the top of Google’s SERP, right. What people do is – they do keyword stuffing of the same words in a single content thinking to optimize their copy, believe me, this is a really bad strategy you follow. Not only has it discouraged your visitors from interacting or reading the content but also marks a red signal to search engines that you’re trying to manipulate algorithms.

Where to add keywords? Add keywords in the title, description, starting paragraph, in the body, and in the conclusion.

* Allowing low quality guest posts

Guest posting refers to the practice when you allow other writers to publish content on your site. But how authentic, original, and informative that content is, how will you know? That’s why you only need to allow those writers in whose writing you see authenticity. In fact, publishing new content on regular basis is literally a good SEO practice. However, you need to maintain a balance between the content produced on the website and the link you receive in exchange. To get quality content you can also go for content marketing services available at a reasonable price.  

* Showing too many ads

Advertisement is bread & butter for online marketers, right. But it doesn’t mean you fill your content or website with ads only. This is literally a bad practice that you should following right away. Moreover, Google punishes websites that have too many ads above the part of a page that is visible without having to scroll. No doubt, it may result in a sudden decrease in traffic and of course, you don’t want that right.

* Slow websites

According to Google, websites that load within 2-3 seconds are SEO-friendly sites and such sites get high traffic. In fact, sites that load more than 3 seconds are non-friendly sites that Google might penalize. This practice also comes under SEO where you need to make your website presence live 24/7. Here you actually need a good hosting provider which also helps you load your website within the accepted time.

* Not optimizing images

Another bad SEO practice people follow is the non-optimization of images. The way content is a big part of SEO strategy, same way image optimization is another indispensable part of SEO. What webmasters actually do is they don’t optimize images and publish them in their article which actually decreases the value of content. Don’t forget – if you want to load your website faster, you have to optimize your images as well. This increases the productivity and efficiency of your website.

To sum up

What else is more important for digital marketers than following good SEO practices? Do you have answer?

In this article, you have read what bad SEO strategies you would be following, if your SEO is not generating relevant results then you need to stop following them right away. These practices must be avoided in any case, no matter what. I have also discussed what you can do along with these practices. So, follow them and get the results you have set in 2021. Also, you can read about our work to know more about us.

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