InfoGraphic- The Beginning of the New Advertising Era.
Digital marketing is an ever-growing field and being part of it requires great hard work and efforts to provide easy to understand information to your customers. No matter whether you’re part of marketing, education, hospital, research, or the non-profit sector, people must get information that is easy and precise. Mostly, marketers use text or contents to share information with the customer. And it is also an undeniable fact that advertisements for products are at a high peak. But don’t you think today’s advertisement is outdated? Unless the more ingredients are added, food doesn’t become tasty, right! The case applies to the advertisement also.
Here the new ingredient to use in an advertisement is “InfoGraphic”. Yes, folks, InfoGraphic marks the new era of advertisement. So this article will expound the holistic concept of InfoGraphic. Just be through with the article I will start with the basics first.
InfoGraphic: The New Advertising Era.
To simply put, info means information and graphic means visuals or design. Now the definition goes like – InfoGraphic represents the information in visual forms to people. According to Wikipedia, InfoGraphic is graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. So this is a very easy and effective way to put words into visuals and make it more clear and concise so that people can easily grasp or digest it.
If you noticed one thing then Wikipedia highlights the term ‘complex information’ that simply means once advertisers use InfoGraphic, no matter how complex the information is, it will become easy through visuals.
Key features of InfoGraphic below
- InfoGraphic’s first feature is to make large and complex amounts of data and information easily understandable.
- It makes the information to quickly digest by the user.
- Another feature is that InfoGraphic strikes and represent info visually and in graphics.
- Next is InfoGraphic makes your content more engaging and interesting one to read and grasp info.
It’s time to know the various types of InfoGraphic.
There are many marketing agencies that have enlisted the types of InfoGraphic. Have a look at them one-by-one.
1. Data Visualization InfoGraphic
The first type of InfoGraphic is data visualization. You might have seen the data represented in line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, etc. this info is a part of data visualization. However, today’s data visualization represents huge amounts of info in one go. Data visualization features are: illustrates number, amount, created for a specific niche, delivers the information, represents more numbers than graphic, etc.
2. Editorial InfoGraphic
The second type of InfoGraphic is editorial InfoGraphic. After reading the word editorial, you might have got the point where this graphic is used. Guys, this is a text-based editorial, you can see in which newspaper, books, and magazines to represent the information of news-related items. Now editorial InfoGraphic is being in trend. However, non-profit and activist groups use InfoGraphic more.
3. Information Design InfoGraphic
Here the information which visualizes is not data or number but it represents the concepts in visuals which is ambiguous and hard to grasp. Some of the examples of Information Design InfoGraphic are flowcharts, comparisons, timelines, how-to-steps, and anatomical illustrations. Furthermore, the features of Information Design InfoGraphic are: they are not objective, include more than one set of data, illustrate concepts rather than numbers, and attract the mass market.
Finally have an eye on the benefits of InfoGraphic
- Digital marketing is nothing without traffic and conversion. You get more traffic to the site if you provide relevant information to your customers. Here the benefit of incorporating InfoGraphic to the site means getting more traffic and high conversion rates. And nowadays people are more likely to share visual content.
- As I told you that visuals are much shared than text contents. It makes people like, comment, and share your visual content quickly. This ultimately leads Google to index your website gives a higher ranking to your site.
- The InfoGraphic not only makes your content easy to read but also makes it easy for people to track and analyze. This helps you build insights to know what type of content your audiences want.
Over to you!
After reading out this article, I hope you grasped the entire concept of InfoGraphic. Now it’s your time guys to invest in infoGraphic and make your information more visualize and eye-catching. This will surely help in your overall marketing business and fetch your more traffic, conversion rates, and high ranking of your site on SERPs on Google.
For any kind of digital marketing services you can contact to us. For more info get ion touch with us, till then keep reading.