How snippet is valuable strategy for SEO?
Know how the Use of Snippet as effective SEO strategy can boost your business growth.
Before discussing about the value of snippets this is important to tell you what is Snippet? Mostly SEO’s ignore it. After knowing the importance of it I am sure you will definitely use.
Snippet refers to a small portion of text but in technical terms it is defined as small portion of machine code, re-usable source code and text that is integrated in larger programming modules by developers.
When we searched for something Google shows the various result list. In this list Google shows the title in blue color, URL in green color and the description in 3 to 4 lines. This is called snippets.
How snippet is valuable strategy for SEO?
You can convert your snippet into rich snippet to make your search better. Before going to say anything, first we are going to tell you what is Rich snippet?
Rich snippet is just like normal snippet, but it contains more information like rating of the product, images, price etc.
For example: when you search about Food item “Rasgulla” on Google a tiny box with image of food item and little portion of text you can see as a result. You can understand all the information contains for any search after seeing the rich snippet. You can boost up your search by using rich snippet. It also provides you additional benefit of boosting your website traffic.
If you want to attain success with snippets then follow these rules:
- The basic thing for any SEO strategy success is quality content so ensure that you put high quality, error free content on your website.
- Start using “long form content” in which main keyword should be added in main heading/title of the content and related keywords in sub title.
- Start using as a tool for developing/creating the organized data.
- Deploy structured “data testing tool” by the help of this tool you can test your site content and ensure that your site content is error free.
- In case if you are using tables and list in your content then make sure to add HTML tags attached with the content.
The question arises, how can you get the rich snippets?
Well Google produce the rich snippet on the basis of added structured data to your site. Structured Data is a tool to tell about the detailed information of your website to Google. It is a coding written in specific format so Google can understand easily and can produce the Rich Snippet. Sometimes Google cannot produce the rich snippets, but don’t worry just do your work and keep trying.
On a concluding note we can say that you can use Rich snippet or featured snippet as a part of SEO strategy and it will definitely boost the ranking of your site and increase the percentage of website traffic to an extent. So don’t underestimate the power of Snippet. Use it to boost your business growth.