How effectively you can use internal links?
Ask anyone the secret of ranking on Google- they will only say utilize ‘SEO’ as much as you can. SEO is literally a buzzword in the digital marketing world. There’s no denying that SEO does wonder for your site. But one mistake webmasters make here is that they only focus on SEO and neglect other major ranking sources. Didn’t get my point? Guys, SEO is not the only ranking source for your site rather you have many which marketers ignore to add. One such is internal links.
Many marketers make a mistake here by not implementing internal links to their site. But let me tell you that internal links work wonder by giving Google an idea of the structure of your site. Therefore, internal links have their own value in the website. So let’s see how you can use internal links for your website.
Let’s get started. I will start with the basics.
What is internal links?
An internal link is any link on a website that connects one page of the site to different pages of the same website. Internal links help both users and the search engines to find content on your website. Your users will use links to navigate through your site and find the content they want to find. Likewise, search engines also use links to navigate to your site. You must understand that search engines are not humans; they won’t find the page if there’s no internal link to your site.
Therefore, if you don’t add internal links to your site, your site may not rank well. And if you add, you will see the boost in your ranking. Let’s discuss how effectively you can use internal links to your website.
Some effective tips to use internal links to your website
#1. Produce lots of contents
The very first way of using internal links is to create an abundance of content and pages for your website. For building a great internal link strategy, you have to build a killer content marketing strategy. It is because you can’t have one without another. When you have lots of content on your website, you will have a lots of linkable contents. The more content you have, the more links you can add. If you add internal links to your old content, you will get more traffic to your site.
#2. Add relevant links
There are many people who add many irrelevant internal links to their content just to fetch traffic to their site. I want to tell these people that if you do so, people will not visit your site for the next time. Therefore, add relevant links to the contents that have some link to the link otherwise restrain doing so. For example, if you have a page on cat food and you link it to street food, then there is no connection between these two. Don’t do such mistakes.
#3. Use natural links for your readers
Internal linking is about focused-approach and adding valuable information to the content. People always like to read content that is unique, informative, and relevant to them. So when you add a link in your content that means you are telling people that the information they’re looking for will get in this link. In addition, what you link should be appealing so that your audience stops there to click on that link. So use only natural links in your content.
#4. Link deep
By this point I mean you should avoid using links to some of the pages of the site that already has deep links. There are two pages that you should avoid using internal links:
Homepage: Many people use lots of internal links just to connect their home page. This is actually a foolish thing to do. Try to use internal links to boost your SEO rather than pointing out more internal links to the home page.
Contact us: This is the most common and annoying mistake marketers make. They always add contact us links in their every post. So rather than using this link, you can add a link that says “Give us a call to find out more about our awesome services.” And linking contact us link unless it is necessary.
The bottom line
Internal links are the most important part of any website. If you have not started using internal links then it is the right time for you to start with. Before you start using internal links, make sure you follow all the points mentioned above and abide by them. I’m sure if you do the work effectively, you will surely see the overall growth in your site.
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