Deepali asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Varsha answered 4 years ago

LinkedIn is known as one of the most fast-growing social media networks and a powerful platform for B2B marketing. It effectively builds a professional network that every business is seeking and already becomes an inevitable part of digital marketing. According to report its users is over 600 million by 2019 and still growing. On LinkedIn, B2B marketers can find their next business partner, introduce their company to potential customers, and attract star talent to join their companies as employees. The goal of LinkedIn marketing is to engage prospects where they spend the most time online. In the B2B world, the most relevant place buyers spend time is on LinkedIn. To take LinkedIn to the next level and use it as a marketing tool, put the following recommendations into action.

  1. Boost your LinkedIn Page: In addition to listing information about your work experience and education, LinkedIn allows you to enhance your profile with interactive capabilities that showcase your experience. One of the best ways to keep your connections informed about your happenings is by posting status updates. To appear active in the LinkedIn community, post useful and actionable status updates on a regular basis.
  2. Create a Company Page: Create a company page to tell your company’s story, showcase your products and services, share updates with followers and recruit new employees. Your company page can include banner image, job opportunities, products and services etc. These are the things people will see when they visit your company page.
  3. Communicate with LinkedIn Members: LinkedIn provides a number of community features that allow you to communicate and collaborate with other LinkedIn users, including groups and influencers. LinkedIn Groups help you stay informed and keep in touch with people that share your interests. You can create your own LinkedIn groups or join any number of groups that focus on your area of interest or expertise. Whereas LinkedIn influencers enables you to connect with well-respected thought leaders in many walks of life. Influencers like Tony Robbins, Guy Kawasaki, Richard Branson and many lesser-known experts, contribute original content in the form of blog posts.
  4. Use LinkedIn as Marketing Tool: LinkedIn is a valuable tool that can help you grow your B2B business and catapult your career. The following tips will help you use this resource to produce results. You can brand Your LinkedIn Address. When you create a LinkedIn profile, it will create a LinkedIn Web address that will appear like a collection of odd letters. You can customize this address to create a branded LinkedIn address with your name. Here you can keep Your Connections Current. Whenever you meet someone, connect with them on LinkedIn. It’s a great way to expand your influence and keep connections up to speed on your accomplishments. For best results, be sure to personalize your introduction message.

To get more detailed answer you can also check 10 ways to use LinkedIn for B2B marketing.