Asha asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Varsha answered 4 years ago

An email marketing campaign is an email sent from a business to one or more customers or prospects. A successful email marketing campaign will get the recipients to take action, engage with your business, and help you to get more leads and sales. One of the big advantages of email marketing is that people still use email widely. 
Before run a successful email marketing campaign, you’ve to do some work to make it interesting. 

  1. Build a Targeted Email List: The most successful email marketing campaigns start with an email list full of qualified leads that are interested in what you have to offer. The best way to build a targeted email list is to convert your website visitors into subscribers. 
  2. Know Your Goals: All good marketing starts with setting goals, and email marketing is no different. To run a successful email marketing campaign, think about what you want to achieve. Your email marketing campaign may include following goals:
    • Welcoming new subscribers and telling them about your business and values so you start to build a relationship with them.
    • Boosting engagement with your content and your business, whether that’s promoting a webinar or trying to make an initial sale.
    • Nurturing existing subscribers by providing something they’ll value.
    • Re-engaging subscribers who haven’t been particularly active.
    • Segmenting your subscribers so you can send more targeted email marketing campaigns.
  3. Understand Email Types: It’s also important to understand the different types of email that you can send. People group these in different ways, but here are the three key email types. We’re all familiar with promotional emails, which talk about offers and sales and are self-promotional. Then there are relational emails, which give subscribers what you’ve promised, like a free gift, weekly newsletter and so on. Last one is transactional emails, which include welcome messages, subscriber sign up confirmation etc.
  4. Know Your Audience: If you’re new in email marketing, you’ll have to make some educated guesses so you can target your content. You can gather data from Google Analytics and your social media profiles, like the Facebook Insights to know who your customers are and what they’re interested in.
  5. Followups: Once you know your goals, email type and audience and you’ve attracted people onto your list with targeted optins, it’s time to plan your email marketing campaign. Now you need to follow your customers. Here a good approach is to note down Email frequency, type of email, rough idea of content. Don’t overwhelm your subscribers by emailing too often. That will send them straight to the spam button. Instead, stick to the schedule you’ve told them about so they know what to expect. Don’t be afraid to ask for subscriber input on email scheduling via a poll or survey. You can also offer an “opt down” option for those who love your emails but don’t want to get them as often. Once you’ve outlined your email plan, it’s time to start writing.
  6. Your Subject line: A good starting point for any successful email marketing campaign is the subject line, which plays a crucial role in getting people to open and click your emails. Like the headline on your blog post, an email subject line has to get attention so people want to go further. Subject lines range from 41 to 50 characters. Even less of your subject line shows on mobile screens, so it’s wise to put the most important parts at the start. 
  7. Write the copy: Now it’s time to write your email marketing copy. You’ll want to create a hook right at the start that will get people to want to read on. For best results, keep email marketing copy short, and avoid pitching your offer too early. You want people to get comfortable first. Address subscribers by name. Personalized emails are more successful. You can personalize your emails based on need by sending emails that meet different user expectations. This makes them more targeted and more likely to be successful. 
  8. Test and track: Sending your email is just the first step in achieving email marketing success. To really nail it, you’ve got to collect data to improve future campaigns. You’ll also need to monitor email analytics from your service provider relating to opens, clicks, unsubscribes and forwards. This will enable you to figure out what’s working and what’s not with email marketing.

Now that you know how to run a successful email marketing campaign, for more info you can also read: Top 7 FAQ about email marketing and their answers.