Payal asked 5 years ago
1 Answers
Aman answered 4 years ago

Let’s simplify the term What is Website Taxonomy. It is also known as URL Taxonomy. It is a key factor in your website’s architecture. Having well-optimized URLs can be the difference between a great site and a dump. This is dictated by how you set up the subfolders in your URLs. URL taxonomy plays a critical role in your site’s architecture. Creating clean URLs that follow a scalable structure allows you to have a more crawlable site architecture.
A website taxonomy, paired with information architecture, allows users to navigate through content in a way that fits their needs and interests. If content is organized by topic, for instance, users can go straight to the topics which interest them. If also organized by type (news, podcasts, videos, etc.), users can cross-reference taxonomies to match their interests.
Taxonomy is the secret power behind some of the world’s most elegant search experiences. Sometimes keyword searches of the text itself aren’t enough to really give users highly relevant results. For example, to provide visitors with a search of recipes, being able to associate a recipe with a taxonomic node, such as “gluten-free,” “vegetarian,” “spicy,” “Thai,” or “Asian” provides many more options for user experience designers to give the searching public. When implement taxonomy well it allows for easy navigation of related concepts not only by humans but also robots like those employed by Google.