Savita asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Somya answered 4 years ago

What is web traffic?
Website traffic refers to the volume of users that travel to a given website. It measures the digital movement of website users. For all online businesses, website traffic is the key to measure revenue. The more traffic to the site, the more the revenue is. Website traffic ultimately generates the conversion in the major business. So, driving traffic to the website becomes the primary function of the marketer and business owners.
What are the types of web traffic?
Here we will talk about different types of website traffic. it is important to know what are the different channels to bring traffic. Website traffic is categorized in different types depending on where the users came from. We will talk about 5 different types of website traffic. 

  1. Organic Traffic: It comes from different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Organic traffic is the best source of traffic without paying any cost. However, driving organic traffic need lots of SEO works to rank for specified keywords. SEO is the collection of strategies to maintain the health of the website so as to rank in the SERPs by satisfying the algorithms defined by the search engines. It is completely and getting result takes time but will be long-lasting.
  2. Paid Traffic: Paid traffic is the traffic you get from different channels like search engines or social media platforms by paying a certain amount of money. One of the best examples of the Paid ads platform is Google AdWords where companies or individuals pay to Google for displaying their business website on the Google SERPs. One good thing about the paid ad is, you to get geo-targeted ads on a Cost Per Click (CPC) basis. You have control over which audience from which part of the location to show the ads. You csan avail same benefit from other search engines and different social media platforms.
  3. Direct Traffic: refers to the traffic that comes to the website directly by typing the website name. People come to the website without the help of the referring source or channels. Generally, direct traffic comes only after being a famous brand or familiar in the market. Driving direct traffic has become everyone’s dream and it is difficult. Getting direct traffic needs lots of effort and marketing campaigns because this is all about capturing establishing the brand in the consumer’s mind. To understand you can take example of some brands like Amazon, Facebook and Google.
  4. Referral Traffic: Referral traffic is traffic that comes from various websites and other channels. More the referral to the site, the more the trust, and authority of the website. Referral traffic comes when other known or unknown people link the website in their blog post which means you have created some kind of value to them. That’s is why they are recommending for other people as well. Referring can be in terms of giving links also known as backlinks.
  5. Social Media Traffic: As you can understand by name, social media traffic is traffic that comes from Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Youtube, Instagram, and other social media links. The good thing about social media traffic is, it is 100% free unless you decide to pay for promoting products or services. But if you pay to social media then the traffic falls on the paid ads traffic.