Savita asked 5 years ago
1 Answers
Aman answered 5 years ago

Twitter has more than 145 million active daily users. It’s a place to meet people, break the ice, and, if you so desire, invite them into your “home” by connecting via other social networks, to deepen the relationship.
Your tweets can include a link to any web content (blog post, website page, PDF document, etc.) or a photograph or video. If a picture is worth a thousand words, adding an image to a tweet greatly expands what you can share to beyond the 140-character limit for tweets. 
People follow (subscribe) to your Twitter account, and you follow other people. This allows you to read, reply to and easily share their tweets with your followers (retweet). Now let’s dive into how you can use Twitter for your marketing.

  1. You can present your brand: Your Twitter account and profile are the foundation of your Twitter experience. It’s your chance to tell your business story to the Twitter community. It is important that your Twitter presence have the same look and feel as your other online tools. This helps people identify your business and builds trust. Choose an account name and images consistent with your other online presences and your brand.
  2. Build a strong foundation: Your Twitter account and profile are the foundation of your Twitter experience. It’s your chance to tell your business story to the Twitter community. It is important that your Twitter presence have the same look and feel as your other online tools. This helps people identify your business and builds trust. Choose an account name and images consistent with your other online presences and your brand that is location, Website and your Bio.
  3. Start Following People: When you follow another Twitter user, you subscribe to read what they share. So be selective about whom you follow, especially at first.
    start following people in these categories:

    • Your customers
    • Your business partners, contractors and vendors
    • Your competitors.
    • Trade organizations or professional organizations for your industry
    • Businesses in your neighborhood
    • Your professional network.
  4. Drive Traffic to Your Website and Blog: Twitter is a great tool for driving traffic to your website and blog. To do this, you create a tweet around a link, writing a message that compels people to click to learn more. Because space is at a premium in a tweet, there isn’t room to post the entire web address. That’s why all of the Twitter tools allow you to shorten your web addresses using a URL shortener.
  5. Connect Your Online Presence: You can do this by three ways. First one is Add your Twitter account information to the social media account information on your website and blog. Most of the social follow tools used on websites and blogs allow you to add your Twitter account easily and quickly to your list of social media accounts. Secondly you can add a timeline of your Twitter messages to your website and blog. Twitter provides widgets that allow you to share a tweet timeline on your website and blog. This can be a great way to share your Twitter conversations with your website visitors, getting double exposure from the same effort. The third and last way is to make it easy for people to share your website and blog content on Twitter. There are several ways you can add a Tweet This button to your blog posts and website pages, including a tweet button from Twitter. This allows your visitors to easily write a tweet about your content and share it with their followers.
  6. Get Mobile With Twitter: Mobile allow you to use the Twitter app and Twitter mobile website to easily send and receive tweets. Twitter allows you to set up push notifications to your smartphone so you know when selected activities happen on Twitter: With Twitter, a speedy response is best, and push notifications make it easy for you to know when things are happening for you on Twitter.
    • People mention you
    • Someone retweets or favorites a tweet you sent
    • You get a new follower
    • Someone sends you a direct message


  7. Share photograph and video: People love to look at pictures and videos, so include photographs and related videos in your tweets whenever possible. You don’t have to be a professional photographer or have a fancy camera. All you need is a smartphone. Twitter adds every photo you share to a photo (and video) gallery. The first six appear on your profile page. Take advantage of this feature to share pictures that tell your business story. You can add videos to your Twitter timeline. Recently, Twitter launched a new video service called Vine that allows you to take short, 6-second videos from the Vine app and play them on an endless loop inside Twitter.
  8. Use Hashtags: Most people’s Twitter experience is limited to the people they follow. It’s always a good idea to keep looking for new, fresh voices to follow to keep expanding your online conversations. There are two great ways to expand your Twitter audience beyond your circle. Hashtags appear in tweets to identify a common topic or theme. They use the hash (#) sign followed by a unique identifier.