Maneesh asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Nova answered 4 years ago

Instagram: A Powerful Social media
Instagram has become a cornerstone of many brands’ social presence, driving profitable traffic to landing pages, growing conversions, and building an engaged audience. It’s one of the most popular social networking sites on the planet, with over 200 million active monthly members sharing 60 million images and 1.6 billion likes per day. The larger your audience grows, the more opportunities you have to engage with users and create unique experiences for them. According to a report The average Instagram engagement rate for brand was an epic 58 times higher than on Facebook. To use Instagram effectively, you need to build a solid base of Instagram followers. You have to be tricky to increase your followers. Let’s learn about the ways to get maximum followers:
Ways to get Instagram followers…

  1. Create branded hashtag: Branded hashtag allows you to essentially create a collection of your best content. When a potential follower finds you via another highly targeted tag, they’ll be more likely to follow after seeing your top posts. By using branded and creative #hashtags in your Instagram stories you increase your chances of getting new followers on your account.
  2. Create unique and optimize your profile picture: This gives people a reason to follow you. You need to customize your profile to make it look good. Always make sure your profile is public then only people will follow you otherwise you might lose your followers.
  3. keep posting on regular schedule: The worst thing you can do when trying to get followers on Instagram is to post content at random, haphazard times. Typically, brands shouldn’t post more than a few times a day to avoid spam, but whatever your cadence, keep it consistent. Sticking to a schedule will help you build a consistent experience for your followers and keep them in the know of your brand.
  4. Get the conversation started: One of the best ways to make users aware of your Instagram is through conversation. According to a report, consumers want to engage with visual-first content like photos (68%) and video (50%), followed by 30% who want to engage with text posts. Try to respond to as many questions or comments as possible, because it could mean the difference between getting a new customer, follower or improving your relationship with your audience.
  5. Create great bio and profile: Two-thirds of Instagram business profile visits are from non-followers. Those new visitors are all potential new free instagram followers—but only if your bio and profile convince them to click the follow button. In addition to the name and username fields mentioned above, your profile includes your website (a clickable link) and your bio.