Asha asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Sapna answered 4 years ago

Here I am going to give you some proven tactics, tips, and ad copy that will bring you higher click-through rates, higher Quality Scores and higher conversion rates.
1. Check the customer’s demand: If your customers are not searching for your product or service in Google, then obviously, AdWords search advertising is not going to work for you. So, before you get too excited about creating your first campaign, you need to verify and research what your customers are looking for.This is very important to understand  what people ultimately want from your product or service. Understanding this can be the secret to writing an ad that stands out from the sea of DKI keywords. In your ad campaign Google also will tell you how often people search these phrases, how competitive the keywords are in AdWords, and how much it’ll cost to advertise on each keyword. All of this information will help you determine which keywords you want to use in your first campaign.
2. Find the answer of some questions: To get the answer of some questions are important before you’ve sunk time and money into a campaign. This will prevent you from going after keywords where there’s no chance of being profitable. To answer the question “Can I afford to advertise on this keyword?” you need to calculate your maximum cost per click (Max CPC). You’ll compare your business’s Max CPC to the estimated keyword CPC in the Keyword Tool to see if you can afford to advertise.n Use the formula below to calculate your Max CPC and then compare to the estimated CPC you found above:
Max CPC = (profit per customer) x (1 – profit margin) x (website conversion rate)
3. Competitor Knowledge: The next step is to reduce your risk by leveraging competitor intelligence. In most industries, you’ll find competitors who already have tested and optimized their AdWords campaigns. That means they have figured out which keywords, ads, and landing pages work and do not work in your market. With the help of competitive intelligence tool you can collects, organizes, and provides easy access to all of your competitors’ historical advertising information.
4. Tempting Offers: Your product or service must be more valuable than the price. You just need to clearly define all of the value your product or service provides to your customer and make sure it outweighs your price tag. When you make an offer that appears to be too good to be true. Whenever possible, I always recommend you include some kind of guarantee in your offer. It will improve your response rates. 
5. Add Call to Action: If you want your prospect to pick up the phone and call you, then make it crystal clear and simple to call you. Don’t expect your prospect to connect the dots or search around your website to figure out the next step. Use a strong call to action and keep it simple. 
6. Pay attention to your ads: Compelling ads with a high click-through rate (CTR) will boost your AdWords Quality Score, which in turn will lower the cost per click of your keywords. So your ads will directly affect how much you pay per click for each of your keywords. Great ads will lower your costs while lousy ads will raise your costs. To do so there are 4 key components to your AdWords text ads: Headline, Description line 1, Description line 2, Display URL
7. Congruent Landing Pages: Your prospect has searched for your product or service. She found your ad to be compelling versus all of the other options. She clicked to learn more and landed on your website. Create a dedicated landing page that matches the keyword and the ad. The goal is to make the entire sales process congruent so your prospect is continually reassured she’s going down the right path. The most important component on your landing page is your headline, which is the first thing your prospect will read. Your headline must grab attention, reiterate the offer made in the ad, and compel your prospect to keep reading the rest of the page.
8. Track your conversion: Conversion tracking is simply the method of measuring sales generated by your AdWords campaign. More specifically, you want to know which keywords and which ads are generating sales. If some or all of your sales occur online with an e-commerce shopping cart, then conversion tracking is pretty straightforward. Just use the built-in Google AdWords conversion tracking.