Naman asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
Anand answered 4 years ago

Over the past couple of years, Google and Yahoo have played a pivotal role in the digital world. Not only are they the top, most used search engines with the highest market penetration.
Google algorithm is known to be much better than of any other search engine. This is because it favors quality content over well-established links and pages unlike Yahoo which still prefers old and well established websites. Not only is Google good for users as it provides them with reliable and relevant results, it is also preferred by new bloggers and site owners because it gives them opportunity to build valuable links.
The ease of access and usage is another factor to determine which search engine is the best. Google provides the feature Google Instant which allows for much quicker and faster results without the user having to press enter. However, while Google offers its users such quick results, Yahoo’s homepage holds more attraction for its users. With a wide array of interactive features like news, sports, finance, weather and much more on their page. But after all these features some users find it difficult to access.