How to improve Google’s EAT Score?

Google's EAT Score

Google EAT score matters the most when we look into the score of a website. It can affect the overall ranking of our website. Do you guys know what EAT stands for? EAT stands for Expert, Authority, and Trustworthiness.

Furthermore, Google EAT score affects the ranking of the page in a positive way as it helps in producing better quality content and gets better ranks. It is very important to improve the quality of Google EAT score as most clients prefer the site which good at EAT score to explore and produce their services. Every company since its beginning, if given with a good SEO, looks forward to attaining a good Google EAT score.

Let’s understand in deep what Google EAT score is.

As I told you before EAT stands for Expert, Authority, and Trustworthiness. Now, it’s time to understand EAT in an elaborate form:

– Expert

Giving your customers better information from industry experts get you more lead generations. If you have a website related to finance, legal, or health, then make sure you have the content on your website from experts and professionals. You must also understand your customers and their queries so that you can carefully craft your expertise to ensure relevancy to your site.

– Authority

You can show the authority of your site by its reputation, citations from other experts and influencers and if your site is well-recognized then Google can determine site authority by the quality and quantity of links from relevant websites, your brand name from trustworthy websites, shared contents on social media which can be seen as growing authority, etc.

– Trustworthiness

Trust is an invaluable part of your site. It not only improves Google’s ranking but also enhances the experience of users and brand reputation. You must be able to build trust in your customers to make the online payments; you have to show that you’re reliable and trustworthy, show them that your concern about their privacy and protection.

Some tips to improve your Google’s EAT score

Invest personal branding

We all know that a smaller brand’s website is not fully developed when you compare it with other established sites. As a smaller brand, you can also develop your site by creating content. You can supply the most precious contents and information that the user might be looking for.

Credit your authors

You must give credit to the author or creator when publishing any kind of content on your site. For instance- if a piece of content is surrounded by YMYL (Your money your life), it must be from a reputable source and to find its author is just to give him/her credit. If your author’s information isn’t available then your EAT score will fall.

Cut or edit low EAT content

If you don’t know then a website is normally evaluated by the richness of pages and the contents that are included in it. Keep in mind that the level of EAT quality of a website depends on the total EAT scores of individual posts and pages. You must remove the poor quality contents from your site otherwise it will have a negative impact on your site. So, edit the low-quality content.

Add more quality backlinks

Backlinks play a crucial role in increasing the quality and authority of your website. More links from high authority websites will ultimately enhance your website’s trustworthiness. It enables Google to give a high score to your EAT score. You must invest in link building and SEO companies that will yield you more high-value links.

Putting it all together

I hope this article helped you with the information on the Google EAT score and how to improve it. Google always makes sure to provide better and improved services to its users with a better experience. We all know that Google only prefers those pages or sites that have high expertise, authority, and trustworthiness to give better results to a search query.

So, it’s important for you to increase your EAT performance to get a good score on Google search engine pages. Just try out the above tips to enhance the score of Google EAT. For more information get in touch with us, till then keep reading.