Some Pros & Cons of Google Panda

Pros & Cons of Google Panda

Time to time Google always make some changes in their algorithm Google Panda is one of those changes. When Google Panda came in light many startups face very bad downfall. Some business shut down finally due to these changes. I am not saying that changes in Google Algorithm are bad. In fact it is too good because it keeps an eye on copy content and fraud. It refers to a major change in Google search results rankings Algorithm first introduced in 2011. Just after the release of Google Panda various websites including Google webmaster forum, became filled with complaints of copyright infringers getting better rankings than sites with original content.

Basically Google Panda Update is type of search filter to stop the sites and web pages that contains low-quality content. Google Panda bear penalty on these types of sites and web pages.

I gave you brief information about Google Panda. Now here we are going to talk about Major pros and cons of it.

Pros of Google Panda

  • Resolving the issue of duplicate content:

There are lot of sites and webpages speeded over internet that are indulge in unethical practice of copy and pasting content from other sites and webpages.

These sites and webpages are affecting the reputation of Hardworking content producers, who generate high quality organic content. Google panda is penalizing all those sites and webpages who are involved in this. Hence Google Panda is promoting transparency.

  • Effective time utilization:

Time is the key to success and Google realizes it. That’s why Google is making efforts to provide timely content to the users. It means serving right information at right time whenever users ask their queries.

The Google panda is playing major role in this by making Google search engine results more qualified, authentic and relevant in simple words by the utilization of Google Panda update. Google trying to provide benefit to the users who seeks true information.

  • Enhancing the internet browsing experience:

Another Major benefit of Google Panda is that, it filtering out all sorts of unwanted, unnecessary and irrelevant content from all over internet.

The internet visitor generally looks accurate page information rather than bulk of links that provides the information. Google Panda ensuring that only relevant content accessed by the visitors not the irrelevant and unnecessary content.

  • Reward Good SEO:

Before the introduction of Google Panda lot of publisher tends to deploy Black hat Search Engine Optimization techniques like paid backlinks for the optimization of their website/page. Google Panda has hit hard on all those sites and webpages. Thus providing reward to the honest and hardworking content producers by making the path of achieving high rankings on Google SERP results for these types of Content generators.

Cons of Google Panda

  • Too secretive:

From time to time Google Panda has gone through too many updates and changes. Sometimes people or internet users were not even fully aware what new changes have been done? How particular update brings and how it is going to affect them in future?

This is all because of Google’s old habit keeping everything about their algorithm secret. We know it is only for security purpose but too much of secrecy can frustrate users and it also provokes speculations.

  • Discouraging for new comers:

This is truly a disadvantage of Google Panda that it has also impacted new comers or novice content producers who doesn’t know how to produce organic or high quality content.

The strict policies of Google Panda have made the life difficult for these newbies in the industry. This much strictness could results fall in the numbers of aspirants who wants to become content writer.


By understanding above mentioned points we can say that Google Panda has more advantages then disadvantages. Besides its disadvantages are not also qualitative enough so we can conclude that Google Panda is the measuring standard whose objective is to promote the organic and high quality content. Ultimately saving the interest of genuine content creators is the main motive of Google Panda.

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