Does Schema is important in 2020 SEO?

Schema in SEO

As a webmaster and being a part of the digital marketing industry, you would definitely have come across the word ‘Schema.’ Major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Yandex have started the project of schema back in 2011 and have been using it today also. Their purpose was to aid and provide you the information their search engines need to understand. Basically, schema provides the best results possible in real-time. Once you add schema to your HTML, it improves your pages display in SERPs by enhancing the rich snippets.

Guys, here the motive is not to tell you the history of schema rather I want to bring your attention to whether schema is still important in SEO in 2020 or not.

Just keep reading the article to know about the importance of schema in SEO. First, be thorough with the definition of schema.

What is Schema?

In very simple words, schema is a set of metadata and the design of your data. It basically defines attributes to a database like tables, properties, columns, views, procedures, etc. Furthermore, schema markup creates an enhanced description (probably known as rich snippets) which appears in search results. Basically, schema is a way to help the search engines understand your webpages.

Now learn what is a schema in SEO?

As I told you that schema is a set of data rather structured data that has a huge impact on SEO. It helps major search engines to be much smarter by providing them data in a structured manner. If you thinking how schema provides structured data then it does so by categorizing items on your website that describes the search engines to categories. So once search engines are able to provide relevant information to people them the website containing the information likely to get more clicks. It results in a high ranking of a site on SERPs. Do you want to know what schema is used for? Just read the points below:

  • Events
  • Products
  • Videos
  • Reviews
  • Recipes
  • Businesses and organizations
  • People

How does schema affect SEO?

Well, it should be clear to that schema does affect SEO negatively or positively, you need to understand this point here. Let me tell you that schema is a crucial part of SEO. Using schema on website means, you get to see your website in rich snippets in SERPs. It will highlight your website snippet with different ways like rating, links, etc. Now read below some effects of schema on SEO:

  • Schema increases the click-through rate with users. And rich snippets show relevant results in a manner that is useful and the info right on SERP.
  • Another way through which SEO gets affected by schema is a direct ranking increase. It is because if you provide structured data to search engine then it will easy for Google to crawl your page and keep it on the first page of SERP. Thereby, it results in an increase in site rank.
  • Using schema to the site means your contents become highly accessible and understandable by search engines.
  • Your website will see a significant appearance on search results or search engines. Here the website returns results in graphics, prices, stars, and other information.

Parting words on the importance of schema in SEO in 2020!

Guys, I know that every webmaster’s aim is to see their website ranking on the first page of Google SERP. And schema is really one such factor that indirectly helps to rank your website because search results with extensive rich snippets will have a better click-through rate. Moreover, the schema is much easier to apply to your website; you’re just required to put extra effort into it. So guys, if you’re serious about your digital marketing business and want to see huge growth in 2020, then you should strongly consider implementing schema to your SEO strategy.  It is really an important factor.

Just make schema a part of your 2020 SEO. You can also take the help of SEO agencies. For more updates get in touch with us, till then keep reading and keep sharing.