Do you know about Clickbait?

The digital marketing world is all about advertisement. The more you advertise in the market, the more customers you attract to your business. There was a time when marketers would old/traditional advertising strategy to market their products, now with the introduction of new technologies the method of advertisement has changed. One such new advertising method I will talk about here in this article.

The scope of “Clickbait” advertising is rising in the digital marketing world. And now we have the Clickbait posts, articles, and videos. Are you aware of Clickbait? If not then this blog will help you understand the concept of Clickbait. So keep reading the article till the end.

Let’s dig into the concept of Clickbait first

Let me break the term Clickbait into ‘Click’ which means clicking on any link, post, videos, etc. and ‘Bait’ means fishing somebody with the intention of taming him in your deception.

However, in the digital marketing industry, the actual meaning of clickbait is false advertisement where marketers use hyperlink text, thumbnail link, etc. to attract the attention of visitors and make them click on various links, posts, and contents. Many marketers used this method to get their articles to stand out and gain more clicks to their site. It was considered a good thing but now as the internet is full of fake and fraud news, you can’t believe what you read and that’s why Clickbait has become more of a nuisance which can harm your online presence, but if used properly it can help you get more lead generation to your site.

How does Clickbait work?

I told you above that Clickbait attracts users to click on various links, articles, videos, etc. and this is exactly how it works. It inspires engagement and expands the scope of your website by catching the attention of visitors to your site.

Furthermore, Clickbait attracts people with headlines such as Keys to beat drugs, tec. So when you read catchy headlines you automatically click on it to read more on this topic. This is how Clickbait attracts attention and draw visitors to a particular web page.

So once a visitor got into your site via Clickbait, it doesn’t really matter what they read. It is only the traffic stats that count.

Be careful while using Clickbait to your website

I have a reason saying so, let me tell you what we often associate Clickbait with negative or fake news which is a form of fraud. Above all, no one likes to feel like they have wasted their time clicking on links which shows fake news. And if you start publishing content with Clickbait then your brand will be associated with much questionable information and wasted time.

If you don’t know then let me tell you that the tech giant Google rolls out a number of updates every couple of months and punishes the pages and websites associated with low-quality content and rank them lower on search engine results page.

Facebook also has taken a step against Clickbait. Last summer, Facebook updated some algorithm that identified Clickbait posted by companies and then prevented those posts from appearing in the user’s Newsfeed.

So, it is worth considering twice before you host Clickbait on your company’s website or sharing it on social media. However, if you use it creatively it can help you generate positive traffic to your site and eventually enhances your online presence.

Closing Thoughts!

Folks, Clickbait is a fraud form of advertising or gaining the attention of visitors to your site and bolstering the presence of your site. Albeit, you can’t heavily rely too much on Clickbait because if you do so, you will end up harming your SEO, lose social media followers and tarnish trust in your brand.

Clickbait is not that bad, but yes, it can be if you use it in an excessive amount. So, if you want to gain more traffic to your site then you must use Clickbait carefully in your marketing strategy. To know more kindly get in touch with us till then keep reading keep sharing.