5 frustrating reasons why your website is so slow?

5 reasons of slow website

5 most frustrating reasons behind slow processing speed of website

In previous blog I wrote about how you can fix the problem of slow loading websites problem. Here I am going to discuss some more reasons that can slow your website loading. It is very frustrating when we tried to load a page and it takes plenty of times or sometimes downloading got failed.

Development of website is an easy process but making the web traffic engaged on your site is not an easy task. No matter how good you develop and design your website but if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load your visitor will move to another site hence you are losing potential web traffic.  So site loading speed plays essential role in delivering quality user experience to the visitors. Any form of interruption or disturbance in user experience will only harm your business. Therefore, today we are going to enlist 5 most frustrating reasons behind your site slow speed let’s get jump into this:

  1. High resolution images and heavy files

The universal truth which no one can deny is that images takes more time to load than text and high resolution images slower the site speed. The higher resolution image can cause the lower your site loading speed.

Therefore, it is essential that you produce either organic content or high quality images. Choose one of them if you produce organic content then even if you use low-quality images you will not suffer much loss. Another thing you can do in order to tackle this issue the format in which you upload the images. Never upload images in BMP or TIFF format always try to use Jpeg format.

2. Due to Complex coding

Well this is the factor which cannot be controlled by site owner but only a developer can resolve this issue. If the developer of your site has done complex coding while designing your site than it will affect site loading speed.

That’s why always develop your site with experienced developers that can keep coding process as simple as possible. It will not only increase the site loading speed but also enhance user experience.

3. Due to large number of plug-ins

Sometimes in order to make their site standout from their rivals, users add a large number of plug-ins into their site. But they don’t aware that if you add more number of plug-ins then the more time your site will take in loading.

Therefore, it is essential that you only add plug-ins which is essential. Don’t add too much of plug-ins. Just like high resolution images plug-ins also affect the site loading-unloading speed.

4. Due to too many advertisements

Well this is the factor in which people cannot able to take decision comfortably because advertisement is the source of revenue.  Due to this reason user sometimes add too much of advertisements on their site but unfortunately there is a saying “greed will always hurt you” the greed of earning more will harm your site.

Therefore adding large number of flashy advertisements slower site loading speed.

Apart from this auto downloads and pop-up ads create large number of Http request which also lower the speed of the site and pop-up ads also frustrate the users.    

5. Due to sudden increase in web traffic

Yes many of you doesn’t believe it but this is true that sudden rise in web traffic can also be the reason behind slow processing of your website.

For example: You had developed the site but it was not able to attract potential web traffic. When you made some changes through applied SEO techniques more effectively, suddenly your site attracts more than enough web traffic. Sometimes this sudden increase could take a load on your hosting service provider and your site processing speed decreases eventually. 

Therefore, it is always advisable whenever you choose hosting domain provider for your site chooses it from the premium brands that specialize in this task like Bluehost.

 Hosting service provider like Go daddy and all cannot take a load of too much of web traffic due to their lower quality.


Above mentioned reasons are the slow processing of site. These are chosen wisely from the long list. These are also the reasons which frustrate the users most.