15 common grammatical mistakes that can ruin your content performance.

common grammatical mistakes

“We is going to the market” or “We are gong to the market”, think about it. After reading the above sentences your reactions would not be good for me. I know because the first sentence is grammatically incorrect and the second one has a spelling error, right. The right sentence is “We are going to the market” Isn’t it. So what I am trying to tell you here is that in the field of writing, grammatical mistakes tend to happen many times. Well, no one will dig a grave for oneself by making grammatical mistakes in content intentionally. This happens when you write inflow, don’t give your content a proofread, not checking the content after writing, and posting it without any analysis. And if you do so people will frown while reading your content or might leave your site in frustration.

Let’s look at the list of mistakes below.

However, grammatical mistakes are not limited to spelling errors rather there are many mistakes you might be making unknowingly. So to get rid of this I have come up with an article. You will learn 15 common grammatical mistakes that might ruin your content.

1. Capitalization mistakes

This is the most common error people make. And it can make a negative impression about your content in the mind of the reader. For example – i am not going to college. In this sentence, you can see that ‘i” is in a small letter which is wrong. “I” is always used in capital letters no matter whether it is used in the starting of the sentence of the middle. You should always use capital letters in –

  • The first word of the sentence
  • Days, months, and holidays
  • Names of places, nationalities, languages, and ethnic groups.
  • Titles of the books, articles, blogs, and music, brand names.
  • The pronoun ‘I’

2. Excessive use of Commas or Semicolon

In writing, commas or semicolons have some purpose. They make the sentence easier to read by breaking the sentence in parts. But today using commas have become kind of trend and people started to use it in the wrong place in abundance. It sometimes seems that writers put commas into sentences when they pause while speaking. Sometimes it is correct but not every time. You always need to put control on using commas and semicolons. However, semicolons are used in place of commas. Try to minimize the use of these two and make your writing clearer.

3. Fragmented sentence

A fragmented sentence is known as incomplete sentences. This is the most common mistake which bloggers and writers make. They write sentences but the meaning of the sentence is completely lost. Readers don’t get to know what the writer is talking about. For example-

In correct – Because of hacking issue. The Company lost data. (Fragmented sentence)

Correct – The Company lost data because of hacking issue. (Complete sentence)

Try and avoid making such mistakes otherwise forget about getting traffic to your site and people reading your content.

4. Misuse of Apostrophe

An apostrophe (“”) shows the possession or contraction of something or someone. You should always use an apostrophe after a noun to make it possessive. For example, read this “author’s book on marketing” rather than saying “read this author book on marketing.” For contraction, use apostrophe like it’s highly possible that our work has published. Don’t try to use an apostrophe to make a noun plural. For example – ‘I have two car’s’ this is wrong use. You can simply say ‘I have two cars.’

5. Spelling mistakes

In the introduction, I have already explained to you what spelling mistake could be like. It is very common that writers often use ‘there’ instead of ‘their’. And there are many more words that often create confusion and leads to spelling mistakes. Try to pay more attention and stop doing such mistakes.

6. Me vs. I

I have often seen people using ‘Me’ at the beginning of the sentence and creating a negative impression of their content. For example, Me hate commercials. This is wrong the right sentence should be ‘I hate commercials.

7. Per say or persay

This is the Latin word which means ‘in itself or ‘intrinsically’. However, per say or persay, both are incorrect because the right word is ‘per se.’ You should not make such a mistake just look at the spelling and use it properly in your sentence.

8. Farther vs. Further

Both the words may sound the same but they don’t carry the same meaning. Father means the actual distance between objects and further means figurative distance. The term further is basically an adverb which simply means an addition to something. For example, let’s move further to read this content.

9. Run-on Sentences

So what run-on sentences mean. When you join two independent sentences without any punctuation mark is called run-on sentences. It will make your sentence very bad while reading. For example, I love to read books I would read them every day if I had time. However, the correct sentence is- I love to read books ‘and’ I would read them every day if I had time.

10. Your vs you’re

This is another common mistake that comes in writing. You must know the difference between these two. Your is a possessive pronoun and you’re is the contraction of ‘you’ and ‘are.’ For example, your a good girl and you’re a good girl. The second sentence is right.

11. Who, whom, whose and who’s

These words might be confusing but if you know the proper grammar, you will surely know the exact difference between these words. ‘Who’ is used for the living pronoun. ‘Whom’ is the objective form of ‘who’. ‘Whose’ is used to show the ownership and ‘who’s’ is a contraction of ‘who’ and ‘is’. Try to use them properly in your writing.

12. Affect vs. Effect

Affect and effect are easy to mix up. In simple words, Affect is a verb which means change or impact. And Effect is a noun that represents the result of the change. For example, COVID-19 had affected millions of people badly. And this medicine has various side effects.

13. Passive voice

While speaking or writing we use active voice more than passive voice. But sometimes we need to use passive voice to tell the exact thing which happens. For example, the museum was established in 1980. In this case, we don’t know who the founder of this museum was. Therefore we simply used passive voice. But excessive use of it can confuse your readers.

14. To vs. Too

Well, most of you must know the difference between To and Too. Still, this is the most common grammar which writers make. ‘To’ is mostly used before a noun or a verb. For example, I’m going to have dinner, I sent the report to HR. And ‘Too’ represents the word ‘also’ or ‘as well’. For example, we all thought that the movie is too good.

15. Its vs. it’s

‘Its’ is the possessive pronoun. For example, your website can run on its own if you post good content. On the other hand, ‘it’s’ is the contraction of ‘it’ and ‘is’. For example, it’s a lovely day. In case, you don’t know which one to use then try to use ‘it is’.

To sum up, so these are the most common 15 grammatical mistakes which writers often make. The above mentioned list will help you in content marketing too. I hope you learned something from these mistakes. Make sure not to repeat them and make your content mistake-free from errors, spellings, and grammar.

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