Top 5 types of content that can dominate “Position 0”

Types of Content

Hello folks, in my previous article I talked about ‘Position 0’ or ‘featured snippets.’ Today, getting a rank on featured snippets is very important because Google gives them importance. If you search anything on Google, it will programmatically detect the pages and displays the best accurate search query in the featured snippets that appears above […]

Does content length really matter in SEO?

content length in SEO

We all have heard the adage ‘content is king’ but what kind of content ‘short or lengthy?’ Can you guess? Guys, this has become a debatable matter in the SEO industry. Why it is a debatable matter because today SEO experts stressed upon creating high-quality long-form content. Long content tends to fetch high traffic, earn […]

Step by step guide to re-optimize your content

re-optimize your content

According to Google, content is among its top three ranking factors, but what makes content ‘good’ from an SEO perspective? Guys, Google’s statement here is to tell us the importance of content in the digital marketing world. Also, content is an effective marketing vehicle for modern SEO. Nowadays marketers write content but they don’t know […]