Google: Reconsideration Request Can Take Few Months To Get Response

Google reconsideration request

Every webmaster is afraid of the penalty imposed by Google on their site, right. Have you ever received a manual penalty from Google? If you have then what did you do first? Let me tell you what SEOs or webmasters generally do is they repair the site that complies with Google quality guidelines. After this, […]

Google is asking searchers to leave reviews to help others shop.

Google is asking searchers to leave reviews

We all know how important Google reviews are for every online shopper and marketer. Without reading online reviews, will you buy any product from any shopping site? No guys, no one will because customer’s reviews are epitome of reliable site and mark the value of the product. In fact, Google reviews are important for local […]

Google uploaded some important Search Announcements.

Google search

Google has been progressing a lot since it launched back in 1998 in the digital marketing world. Over the past 22 years, Google search is getting better every day for its users. However, with the advancement in technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the company is trying to make more improvement and better changes which are […]

Google Testing Related Searches At The Top Of The Results.

Google related searches

Let’s face it – whenever we try to search anything on Google, the exact word or phrase doesn’t strike in our mind. And then we stuck in the searching process, right. I am sure this might have happened to you also. Sometimes, we all love to read different things on the same topic which we […]

Google Search Console temporarily suspended request indexing feature.

Google Search Console

Whenever a webmaster publishes an article, he makes sure that the content is visible on Google, right. For that, he takes help of a URL inspection tool within Google Search Console, which is an important element of SEO. If you operate a website, you would know that ‘Request Indexing’ is the feature of the URL […]

The largest API World conference will be virtual this year

API World conference

This year many events & conferences took place not face-to-face but virtually. And you all know the reason for that, yes you’re right, the global coronavirus pandemic is the major reason for that. Whether the event is small or large, many of them got postponed or conducted virtually in the digital sector. One of the […]

Google Duplex technology is live for haircut appointments.

Google Duplex

Today, technology is innovating at a fast-speed than ever before. Everything can be done in a single click or voice via smartphones, right. Google Duplex is one such innovative AI technology that Google introduced back in 2018 in the digital market. Duplex is already used for restaurant bookings and paying for movie tickets. But as […]

Get ready for the next Google Webmaster virtual conference in February 2021

Google webmaster virtual conference

How many of you planned to attend an event in 2020 which eventually canceled due to Covid-19? No matter whether the events were large or small all of them canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Every digital marketer would know that in the month of August Google launched first-ever virtual webmaster ‘unconference’ which ended up […]