How ‘Hashtag’ is important for every Social Media network?

Social Media Tool

What is Hashtag?

Any word or phrase used with the symbol # that categorizes the accompanying text known as ‘Hashtag’. It is a metadata tag used on different social networks. Through this readers can find messages easily with a specific theme.

For example on twitter any trending topic will be produced as hashtag #Modi 2.0

#IND vs SA


The hashtag can be inserted beginning, middle or end of social media post or comment and it allows whatever you have written get indexed by the social media network.

Importance of Hashtag.

Use of Hashtag on your post not only makes your content visible but it also increases your social media presence rapidly more people get connected to you. You gain more number of followers.

Hashtag also helps in branding of firm and business you just need to get engage with your customer and start conversation about what’s trending.

If you participate or comment on high trending topics or you are more likely to gain great visibility to your business. The more visibility you get the more famous your business or brand will become.

How to use Hashtag on various social media platforms:

  1.  on twitter:

Hashtag on twitter is common phenomenon but sometimes due to lack of knowledge users use hashtag in a way that annoy their followers. They lose the existing followers instead of gaining more. So the use of hash tag on twitter should be precise and with short phrases one or two hashtag per tweet is enough.

If you want to increase more engagement than ask your followers to retweet your post and for getting more visibility and followers tweet on trending topics and hot burning issues.

2. on Instagram:

Instagram provides much more freedom for using Hash tags which often leads to more engagement. On Instagram you can use 10-12 hashtags for increasing your reach and presence.

User can use upto 30 hashtags on Instagram.  Although one doesn’t need to use that muc it is just for information. If you want to do experiments then go without any worry.

In order to get more awareness regarding the use of hashtags use the search box feature of Instagram to see what type of hashtags influencer or your business competitors are using for generating more engagement. Instagram allows its user to be creative with hashtags because they want to use them on posts, comment, photos.

3. on Pinterest:

As everybody knows that Pinterest is visual based social networking site. Specially designed and developed for supporting small business and entrepreneurs. On Pinterest you can use hashtag based on keywords. Don’t use many keywords, only use one or two that is sufficient. It would be advisable that you use keywords in a caption style.

Now here I am going to share  some  basics which should be kept in mind before using hashtag,

  • It is true that after using hashtag it increases your visibility over social media platforms. but don’t use too many hashtags. Number of hashtag depends upon which social media platform you are communicating as I mentioned above.
  • While using hashtag is creative keep it short and simple. Don’t use excessive words in one tag only.
  •  Don’t choose a tag that no one is searching for it won’t benefit you in longer period of time.
  • Don’t place hashtag with every post. Only place hashtag with relevant post or topic otherwise you lose your followers or get trolled.


By understanding above mentioned points we can say that using hashtag is good for engaging audience, increasing consumer base and social media reach. But everyone should aware how to effectively use them otherwise due to viral nature negative consequences is also spreads rapidly.