How can you use Voice Search and PPC Campaigns together?

Time is money!

In whatever way, we try to save it. For example, rather than typing on Google search box, we prefer to use the voice search command to get relevant queries quickly. What does it show? It basically reveals that the demand for voice search has increased since its introduction in the digital marketing industry. Today, marketers take advantage of voice search to visualize the idea of online user engagement and visibility of products in the market.

Voice Search and PPC Campaigns

Do you think voice search alone is sufficient in bringing a huge customer base for a marketer? Of course no, a PPC is required for giving a boost to voice search. Therefore, the question arises here is how to use voice search and PPC campaigns together? If you’re running an online business then you must stick to this article. Here you will get to know how you can bring huge engagement to your site by leveraging voice search and PPC campaigns together.

Let’s cut to the chase and begin this article by shedding light upon voice search and PPC campaign.

Voice Search and PPC Campaign – A Great Combo

Let me start with a PPC, as you already know what voice search is. So PPC campaign is the model of online marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Now the question is how voice search goes hand in hand with the PPC campaign, right. Well, voice search is quickly growing to become a part of daily life for many people. The fact is, 42% of people think that smart speakers are essential to their daily lives. Certainly, you all want to grow your business which requires a complete understanding of the PPC campaign and voice search together.

So if you want to keep ahead of the digital marketing game, you must look into combining your Voice Search and PPC Campaigns. Just continue reading the article. Below I am going to highlight some ways you can follow to use VC and PPC campaigns simultaneously.

Note: Curvearro is recognized as a best digital marketing agency by SearchGnext in 2021.

Effective tips to help you build voice search and PPC campaign together

Make long tail keywords your friends

You must know that voice searches tend to conduct in full sentences, right. So, if you speak a fragment sentence to conduct a search, it won’t work for you. Therefore, your focus should be on making a proper sentence that could easily understand your voice and present you with relevant queries. Keywords and key phrases are bread & butter, if you want to optimize your voice search then you have to leverage long-tail keywords. So, when you run a PPC campaign, make sure you use long-tail keywords significantly that contain ‘who, where, why, when, and how’ phrases. Moreover, you need to focus on landing pages and ad copies through which you want to target the audience. Landing pages must be optimized with long-tail keywords.

@ Always be natural with your keywords

How do you choose keywords for your content or ad copy? Do you randomly select any word or use it with a logical perspective? You must always stick to natural phrases. Let’s understand this with an example. For flower shops, you type ‘flower deliver shops.’ However, when you search the same using voice you’re most likely to use the phrase ‘flower shops that do home delivery.’ So this is exactly what you use in a real or natural way. Therefore, you need to make it work in that way only when you design keywords for a PPC campaign for voice-enabled search. So before you make the keyword final option, just give yourself a demo and figure out the natural process of entering a keyword as a voice search query.

@ Stay local

This is the last tip you have to follow here to use voice search and PPC campaigns together. What does staying local or going local mean? It simply means to use specific location keywords. For instance, if you want to use voice search optimization in your PPC campaign to promote a digital marketing agency in Delhi then your keyword should reflect that. Use keywords like ‘where can I find a digital marketing agency in Delhi?’ I hope now this is clear to you why you should use local keywords for your business.

The conclusion

Now that you have come to the end of this article, I believe you have understood how voice search and PPC campaigns can be used together. Moreover, I have discussed the ways that can help you get the most out of voice search and PPC campaigns. Just follow the above-given ways and grow your business in the online market.

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